The Royal Mile from a distance.
One of the views from the castle.
Suzy and I fitting into the windows. We are like 15 stories up. Don't worry people, my left thigh wouldn't have fit through the opening!
A snapshot of one of the entrances to part of the castle.
Me posing! We walked the hill up to the castle and this was on the way!
The group of us resting on our way up to the castle!
And us once again just outside the castle. We are facing the castle and behind us is the Royal Mile!
Scotland was amazing! Of course. It was a blast. I want to move there. We ventured into the Edinburgh Castle, a few churches, a haunted tour, the Botanical Gardens. The whole entire city was gorgeous no matter where you looked. Ancient castles, churches, homes, buildings. The Royal Mile leading up to the castle was beautiful. I have yet to download my own pictures...but for my impatient mother and sister, I will post a few that I have from some friends! I will get some more up tomorrow perhaps!
There are also a couple of videos that one my my friends took. I don't know how to embed them directly into the blog so I will just post the links. They are all less that 30 seconds, but they are kind of cool!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZS6pzxnFhQ While we were visiting the castle, there were two Scotting weddings going on. We were lucky enough to see part of the procession. This is one of them. There's not much to see, except Adam's face on the left, but it is awesome to hear. Judy, I think you might have a career ahead of you if you move to Scotland.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLQDX2u5Nc4 This one is about the same thing, although you get to see how WINFY it was. We about got blown away!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIA1HO7Np34 This one is hard to see. We just about missed it completely, but it is the Scotts marching away. Hard to see, but very cool all the same!
how annoyed would you be if random people from a foreign country were attending your wedding? haha jk miss you!
almost got a view of the bride's knickers!!
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